Hope for God’s Provision

Jehovah-jireh – “The Lord will Provide:” There is hope out there for those who are experiencing a job loss or financial crunch from this pandemic or other disaster. A little over a month ago, I received a Lay-off notice at work due to being in the right place at the wrong time when the company was laying off 15,000 people. I was a little shocked because I had a tone of work, and I was in the middle of putting together a $20 million proposal. I was feeling stressed from not knowing, but I had confidence and a peace that God would provide. I had faced lay-off six times in the past 40 years and have seen God provide jobs when there were no jobs to be had. 

The last time I faced a lay-off, God drove this point home. I just bought a new house, and we were moving in when I got a phone call telling me that our program was canceled, and we needed and that I needed to find a new job. When I finally got to work, everyone was panicked because there were no jobs around. I asked my manager to make me available to look for a new job, and the next day I got a call for a job, and I went over for an interview, and I took the job then The Lord said “not only will I provide a job for you I will provide in abundance. And that same day, I had two other phone calls from people offering me jobs that had no idea that I was even looking. 

Facing this current lay-off I had the confidence that God would provide if I lost my job or not. I just prayed and claimed several of God’s promises. In Philippians 4:19, “19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” And Ephesians 3:20; “20 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” I also through in there Romans *:28 “ 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.” God is always faithful to his word.

My manager was trying to get my Lay-off canceled. He went to his manager, who then went to the director of the division. At this point it was not looking good they had to go the VP of the division I prayed for favor out of  Proverbs 21:1 “The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; he turns it wherever he will.” Both the Director of my division and another division went to their VP’s and asked that my lay-ff be canceled. They first said no and had them go check another organization to see if they could do my job. They said no, they did not have the manpower, and when they found out what I was doing, they wanted me to show them how I was doing my job, so I ended up showing them how to do my job. 

At his point, I had gone thru the seven stages of grief and had resolved that I was going to be out on looking for a job. I just needed to find out that for sure I was going to be laid-off. I started looking outside and applying withing the company.  Then the VP’s got together to discuss my fate and decided to cancel my lay-off. But in God’s fashion that He would provide in abundance, I had an old friend I had not seen in 20 years from my old company contact me they Just got a contract, and my old job was open, and another friend texted me if I had my resume he had a great job for me in Newport Beach. Neither of these guys knew that I was looking for a job. Then I had two other phone calls out of the blue within my company people wondering if I needed a job who did not know that I was looking, and I was under consideration for four other positions. It was crazy. Not only had God granted me favor, He wanted to make sure that I knew that it was Him that was providing by providing eight other job possibilities. So YES, you can trust God to provide for your need in whatever situation.

I would put a caveat on this. It made me search my life for any sin that was standing in the way and brought me to my knees to pray. And to make sure that I “love the Lord” and that I am called to His “Purpose.” I would encourage you to do the same.